Semaglutide Valley Stream, NY

Introduction to Semaglutide

Semaglutide is an injectable medication used to improve blood sugar control in adults with type 2 diabetes. More recently, semaglutide has also been approved as a weight management treatment for chronic weight management in adults with obesity or overweight with at least one weight-related condition.

Semaglutide works by mimicking a hormone called glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1). This hormone helps the body produce more insulin when needed and reduces the amount of sugar released by the liver. By acting like GLP-1, semaglutide helps lower blood sugar levels after meals and keeps them at an optimal level between meals and overnight.

Some key things to know about semaglutide treatment:

When prescribed and monitored properly, semaglutide can be an excellent treatment option for managing type 2 diabetes and supporting weight loss goals.

Benefits of Semaglutide

Semaglutide treatment offers several advantages that make it an appealing option for eligible patients including:

With all of these therapeutic benefits, it's easy to understand why semaglutide is an appealing new treatment option for so many people struggling with obesity, diabetes, and related issues.

Our services

Who is a Candidate for Semaglutide?

Currently, semaglutide is FDA approved for two main uses:

  1. Treatment of type 2 diabetes in adults
  2. Chronic weight management in adults who are overweight/obese

To qualify for semaglutide treatment for weight loss, patients generally need:

For type 2 diabetes, semaglutide may be an option for patients with an HbA1c over 7% who require additional blood sugar control on top of diet, exercise, and other antidiabetic medications.

Semaglutide is not currently approved for use in patients under 18 years old. It also would not be the first choice for patients with type 1 diabetes or certain heart/kidney health issues.

Our experienced clinicians at Balance Hormone Clinic can determine if semaglutide is appropriate for your individual health needs. We take a precision medicine approach and find solutions tailored specifically for you.

Diagnosing Hormone Deficiencies

There are a wide variety of symptoms that may indicate the presence of a hormone deficiency, ranging from mental to physical manifestations:

Symptoms of Low Testosterone

Some common signs of low testosterone include:

Symptoms of Low Estrogen

Low estrogen levels can lead to:

Signs of Other Deficiencies

There are also deficiency symptoms related to low DHEA, growth hormone, thyroid function, and other hormones like progesterone or pregnenolone.

Some people may struggle with multiple hormone imbalances simultaneously too. That's why getting properly tested is so important.

At Balance Hormone Clinic, we offer advanced hormone testing services to accurately evaluate your entire hormonal environment. By detecting shortages early, hormonal imbalances can often be corrected before long term damage sets in.

Why Timely Treatment Matters

Addressing hormone deficiencies promptly makes a big difference in regaining one's vitality, energy levels and overall wellbeing. There are several key reasons why timely treatment is imperative:

Regardless of your age or gender, promptly identifying and addressing any potential hormone deficiencies is critical for protecting long term health, maintaining youthfulness and enhancing overall vitality.

Take control of your health with Semaglutide!

Benefits of Treatment at Balance Hormone Clinic

Here at Balance Hormone Clinic in Valley Stream, we specialize in precision anti-aging and wellness treatments to help patients look better, feel better and function at their peak regardless of age. From Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) to innovative solutions for weight loss, sexual health, hormone balance and beyond, we find customized solutions for your unique needs.

Why choose us?

In addition to individualized care, Balance Hormone Clinic also provides specialized programs for:

Contact us today to schedule your evaluation and discover your unique path to optimal wellbeing!

Semaglutide for Weight Loss

As previously discussed, beyond its utility as a diabetes medication, semaglutide has also more recently been FDA approved for chronic weight management in obese or overweight adults.

When combined with healthy lifestyle changes, semaglutide as a weight loss medication provides robust appetite suppression leading to reduced caloric intake and significant fat loss over weeks and months of treatment.

Research shows people using semaglutide for weight loss tend to lose between a 12-15% reduction in their body weight on average. For someone weighing 200 pounds initially, that could mean losing up to 30 pounds over several months! For many people, this amount of fat loss is life changing.

How Semaglutide Promotes Weight Loss

The primary mechanisms by which semaglutide facilitates weight reduction include:

Additionally, studies show semaglutide also:

Together, through appetite suppression, improved satiation, and beneficial shifts in food preferences and choices, using semaglutide results in people eating fewer daily calories leading to accelerated fat burning and weight loss until a new lower body weight set point is achieved.

Then by continuing the medication at a maintenance dosage, most patients are able to sustain their hard won weight loss long term.

Candidacy For Semaglutide Weight Loss Therapy

To qualify for a prescription of semaglutide specifically for managing obesity and supporting weight reduction, patients typically need to meet the following criteria:

Balance Hormone Clinic has extensive experience using semaglutide along with complimentary therapies and coaching strategies to help patients successfully get to and sustain their target weights in the healthiest manner possible.

Through a comprehensive approach tailored to your unique physiology, preferences and obstacles around food and exercise, we can help make frustrating weight issues a thing of the past!

Let our qualified weight loss specialists evaluate if prescription semaglutide could be the answer you've been waiting for.

Interesting fact

Semaglutide was originally discovered in the saliva of a non-venomous species of gila monster lizard. Scientists found it helped regulate blood sugar and appetite in the lizard and realized it could potentially be used to treat diabetes and obesity in humans.

Hormone Therapy in Valley Stream

When it comes to receiving care from a leading age management and hormone balance clinic like Balance Hormone Clinic, there are some region-specific factors those residing locally should understand regarding treatment in the Valley Stream area.

Ideal Times of Year for Therapy

Thanks to its geographic location on Long Island near the coast and its temperate climate, Valley Stream enjoys four distinct seasons where hormone therapy can be comfortably pursued year round. However, there are certain times of year that tend to be most favorable such as:

Regardless of when you might start treatment, our knowledgeable healthcare staff can advise you on optimizing results throughout the year.

Local Establishments to Support Treatment Goals

Alongside therapeutic support from our clinicians, having access to business establishments and area attractions conducive to healthy living can be invaluable for reinforcing habits necessary for achieving peak wellness on therapies like testosterone replacement. Fortunately for local residents, Valley Stream offers ample options including:

Lab Testing Facilities

Exercise & Fitness

Healthy Dining

Leverage these types of establishments when needed not just for tests and fitness but also healthy meals, massage, outdoor recreation spots and other wellness supportive offerings plentiful in the region. Our staff can offer specific guidance on where to access particular services.

Take control of your diabetes and weight - try Semaglutide today!

Protocols for Initiating Testosterone Replacement Therapy

So you've tested low in testosterone and are ready to pursue treatment - understanding the general protocols involved for properly and safely starting testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) is key for realizing the best possible outcomes.

Here is an overview of beginning steps:

Initial Lab Testing

Based on clinical judgement, your Balance Hormone Clinic physician may also order:

Review Results and Set Goals

During your first progress evaluation, medical staff will:

Goals are personalized based on:

Select Route of Administration

Testosterone is available in oral tablets, topical gels/creams, nasal sprays, buccal patches and intramuscular injections - the most common delivery method.

Which makes most sense depends on your:

We will match you with the preparation, dosage and injection frequency uniquely suited for you.

Initiate Therapy

Most men start testosterone replacement using 100-200 mg injections once weekly or twice weekly. This induction dosage can be gradually adjusted over 3-6 months based on follow up lab work and symptom improvements until optimal - usually averaging between 100 to 300 mg weekly.

Routine Monitoring

Throughout therapy you will undergo regular:

This ensures treatment efficacy and safety.

By beginning testosterone therapy through this careful approach, the best possible treatment response can be achieved based on your individual physiology and objectives.

Let the experienced TRT clinicians at Balance Hormone Clinic walk you through the process step-by-step.

Lifestyle Strategies to Optimize Hormone Therapy Outcomes

While medications and injections serve as the foundation for hormone replacement programs, patients can further enhance treatment effectiveness by implementing select lifestyle strategies complementary to balancing hormones including:

Nutrition Approaches

Exercise & Body Composition

General Wellbeing

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